Psalm 85:8-13 | Isaiah 35:1-10 | Luke 5:17-26

I hope that writing what the Advent season means to me is a good start. At first I didn’t really know what it was about but since learning about it from Father Tim I have a better understanding. It is about having hope and faith in difficult times especially now...

Psalm 27:1-6, 17-18 | Isaiah 29:17-24 | Matthew 9:27-31

King David’s 27th Psalm, the one that starts “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” – has it ever seemed to you a bit vacuous if not near-smug? How could, say, most any refugee or hostage have been expected to believe that no flesh-devouring...

Sand Fences

Isaiah 26:1-6 | Psalm 118:19-24 |Matthew 7:21-27 This year, there are fences along the beaches,row after row of them,not the picturesque fences often topping the dunes,the stuff of a thousand beach photos,all romantic and half covered in sand,bent over by wind, a half...

An Advent Reflection – December 1, 2020

Isaiah 11:1-10 | Psalm 72: 1-8 | Luke 10:21-24  The wolf shall live with the lamb,the leopard shall lie down with the kid,the calf and the lion and the fatling together,and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze,their young shall lie down...


Psalm 19   |   Deuteronomy 30:11-14.  |   Romans 10:9-18   |   Matthew 4:18-22 I love words. I love playing with words. I love learning new words (and correcting mistaken meanings). I love the complexity and the simplicity of words. I love, and am sometimes frightened...