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Music is an important and vibrant component of worship and parish life at St. Luke’s.  This ministry is strongly valued by our congregation as a whole, and includes children, youth, and adults as equal partners in music making and leadership.  As a musical parish, we place great emphasis on congregational singing through hymns, psalms, and service music. Many parishioners choose to offer these gifts further by singing in one of our choirs. 

Our parish choirs are vital to our community. Their beautiful music, deep dedication, sure leadership, and contagious enthusiasm enrich our worship experience.  In session from September through mid-June, the parish choirs rehearse each week and provide musical leadership at the Sunday 10:00am celebrations of the Holy Eucharist as well as a variety of holy days, evensongs, concerts, and special occasions in the community.

St. Luke’s offers opportunities for both choral and instrumental participation for all ages. In the choir program, we work on musical skills, such as reading music, vocal production, and more, while always exploring music in the context of Christian worship and spirituality. Through our affiliation with the Royal School of Church Music in America, we use many resources, including the Voice for Life curriculum to deepen our experience.  And by the way, we have a lot of fun!

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Our Choirs

Our singing choirs include the Canterbury, St. Cecilia, and Angel choirs. The Jubilate Ringers is an ecumenical community handbell ensemble founded by St. Luke’s over 20 years ago and which continues to perform at annual concerts.

Canterbury Choir

The Canterbury Choir, an ensemble for adults, sings a varied repertoire of anthems, psalms, and spiritual songs at the 10:00am service. In addition, Canterbury Choir participates in Evensongs, concerts, and special services as requested. The choir enjoys lively social times and has great spirit….come join us! Rehearsals for Canterbury Choir take place Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm beginning in September and continuing through mid-June.

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The St. Cecilia Choir

The St. Cecilia Choir (3rd-12th grades) is a dynamic ensemble for young choristers. In addition to learning singing and music skills, choristers gain knowledge of liturgy and church history. The choir is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM). Many of our choristers participate in the Newport RSCM program held each summer in August. Rehearsals for St. Cecilia choristers take place on Fridays from 4-6pm beginning in September and continuing through mid-June.

The Angel Choir

The Angel Choir (grades K to 2) is the perfect way to introduce your child to music. Children learn the basic language of music, including beginning note reading, singing, and rhythm instruments. These young choristers sing once a month at the 10:00am service. Angel choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 4:15-4:45pm beginning in September and ending in May.

Jubilate Ringers

The Jubilate Ringers is an ecumenical group of musicians who were initially organized through St. Luke’s and grew to be a community-based ensemble. The ensemble rings four octaves of hand bells and three octaves of hand chimes. Their music is heard at concerts and many community festivals statewide and regionally. Rehearsals are on Mondays at 9:30am.

To learn more about our music program…

Contact: Rodney Ayers, Minister of Music Email: or 401-884-4116 ext 107.