Live-streaming Services

We are glad to offer YouTube live-streams of our 10:00am Sunday services, Advent and Holy Week services,
Evensongs, concerts and more. Please check out our Weekly Newsletter for what is being live-streamed each week.
To access live-streams, follow the instructions below.

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1. Our YouTube page can be accessed by clicking this link: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

2. You do not have to have a YouTube or Google account to access YouTube livestream.

3. By all means do share St. Luke’s livestream services with friends and family!

4. Once livestream services are over, they will be archived on our YouTube page and can be viewed at your convenience anytime.

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1. Our Facebook page can be accessed by clicking this link:

2. Links to our YouTube live-streams of our Sunday worship and other special services/events will be posted to Facebook… so, please check out our Facebook page anytime for news of these offerings

3. You do not need a Facebook account to access our page. If you do have an account, ‘liking’ our page will allow Facebook to send you a notification about upcoming live-stream offerings.


Please contact Deborah Collins with any questions. She can be reached at