Welcome to St. Luke’s 2024 Lenten Blog


From February 14 (Ash Wednesday) thru March 31 (Easter) parishioners of St. Luke’s will be sharing their reflections on the daily readings.
We invite you to click on the reflections below and enjoy.

Interested in writing a blog? Contact Christina @ cimondi@stlukeseg.org



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 HE IS RISEN!March 31, 2024 Acts 10:34-43 | 1 Corinthians 25:6-9 | John 20:1-18 | Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24“They (the angels) said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ She said to them, ‘They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they...

Questioning the Spirit

Questioning the Spirit

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Questioning the SpiritMarch 30, 2024 Job 14:1-14  |  1 Peter 4:1-8  |  Matthew 27:57-66  |  Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16In today’s Gospel, Matthew 27:57-66, it reads, …” after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered...

So what’s so good about this Friday?

So what’s so good about this Friday?

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 So what’s so good about this Friday? March 29, 2024 Isaiah 52:13-53:12  |  Hebrews 10:16-25 or Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9  |  John 18:1-19:42  |  Psalm 22I first started attending St. Luke’s in 1995… in a few years, I would join the Canterbury...

Servant and Priest

Servant and Priest

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Servant and PriestMarch 28, 2024 Exodus 12:1-14  |  1 Corinthians 11:23-26  |  John 13:1-17, 31b-35  |  Psalm 116:1, 10-17Maundy Thursday is a day of traditions. Jews and Christians alike celebrate the Exodus from Egypt with a Passover meal....

I put my trust in You, Lord

I put my trust in You, Lord

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 I put my trust in You, Lord March 26, 2024 Isaiah 49:1-7 | 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 | John 12:20-36 | Psalm 71:1-14Deliver me, my God, from the hand of the wicked,from the clutches of the evildoer and the oppressor.This verse from today’s Psalm...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Covenant March 25, 2024 Isaiah 42:1-9 | Hebrews 9:11-15 | John 12:1-11 | Psalm 36:5-11Isaiah 42:1-9Here is my servant, whom I uphold,my chosen, in whom my soul delights;I have put my spirit upon him;he will bring forth justice to the...

An outfit for a Sunday of festivities

An outfit for a Sunday of festivities

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 An outfit for a Sunday of festivitiesMarch 24, 2024 Mark 11:1-11| Isaiah 50:4-9a|Psalm 31:9-16|Philippians 2:5-11|Mark 14:1-15-15:47Palm Sunday has always been one of my favorites church celebrations. It ranks up there amongst the major...

Legality vs. Ambiguity

Legality vs. Ambiguity

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Legality vs. AmbiguityMarch 23, 2024 Ezekiel 37:21-28 | John 11:45-53 | Psalm 85:1-7 Today’s readings bring home to me that magnificent but sometimes scary difference between obeying a law and being guided by the ambiguity of God’s...

“The kingdom of heaven is like…”

“The kingdom of heaven is like…”

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 “The kingdom of heaven is like…”March 22, 2024 Jeremiah 20:7-13  |  John 10:31-42  |  Psalm 18:1-7I remember having a necklace with a little round, see-through glass ball with a very tiny seed inside… A mustard seed…  I was probably in...

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 What’s in a name? March 21, 2024 Genesis 17:1-8  |  John 8:51-59  |  Psalm 105:4-11Forty-eight years ago this week I began recruit training as a firefighter with the Warwick Fire Department. I was so excited. After getting our turn-out gear...

Roughing It

Roughing It

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Roughing It March 20, 2024 Daniel 3:14–20,24–28  |  John 8:31–42  |  Canticle [2] or 13“Glory to you, Lord God of our fathers; *you are worthy of praise; glory to you.” (Canticle 13)Shadrach Meshach, and  Abednego may never have had a...

But they did not understand.

But they did not understand.

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 But they did not understand. March 19, 2024 Photo courtesy of lumoproject.com2 Samuel 7:4, 8-16  |  Romans 4:13-18  |  Luke 2:41-52  |  Psalm 89:1-29Luke’s New Testament words today bring to my mind the relationship between parents and...

Who is Susanna?

Who is Susanna?

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Who is Susanna? March 18, 2024  Susanna [1–9,15–29,34–40],41-62  |  John 8:1–11 or John 8:12–20  |  Psalm 23Not being a Biblical scholar nor an avid reader of the Apocrypha, I was curious about the Old Testament reading. While the background...

God’s Mercy

God’s Mercy

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 God’s MercyMarch 17, 2024 Jeremiah 31:31-34 | Hebrews 5:5-10 | John 12:20-33 | Psalm 51:1-13”Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness;… “What is mercy? I’ve seen several explanations for this word. Some indicate that one is...

God Prevails

God Prevails

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 God Prevails March 16, 2024 Jeremiah 11:18–20  |  John 7:37–52  |  Psalm 7:6–11Let us destroy the tree with its fruitLet us cut him from the land of the living,So that his name will no longer be remembered.” –  Jeremiah 11:18-20This passage...

Did Jesus Have FOMO?

Did Jesus Have FOMO?

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Did Jesus Have FOMO?March 15, 2024 Wisdom 2:1a, 12-24  |  John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30  |  Psalm 34:15-22I see this gospel (John 7:1–2,10,25–30) as a push-pull between Jesus’s human and divine selves. We hear about Jesus first deciding NOT to go...

Shining Lamps & God’s Love.

Shining Lamps & God’s Love.

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Shining Lamps & God’s Love.March 14, 2024 Pat Hallenbeck, 1972, working with the youth group.Exodus 32: 7-14  |  John 5:30-47  |  Psalm 106:6-7, 19-21The gospel reading for today, from John 5:30-47, made me remember my life 50 years ago,...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Comfort March 13, 2024 Isaiah 49:8-15  |  John 5:19-29  |  Psalm 145:8-19Although the word "comfort" does not appear in these passages, I became aware that the concept is a theme found in each one.In Isaiah God comforts His people in the...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 WaterMarch 12, 2024 Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12  |  John 5:1-18  |  Psalm 46:1-8With all that water is, it is no wonder it winds its way through our stories and beliefs. In Ezekiel 47: 1-9, 12, the river brings life. “It will become fresh; and...

Paying Attention

Paying Attention

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Paying Attention March 11, 2024 Isaiah 65:17-25  |  John 4:43-54  |  Psalm 30:1-6, 11-13As I attend to life’s troubles – which seem vexingly more complex with age – the Spirit whispers to slow down, be silent, pay attention. These practices...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 IlluminationMarch 10, 2024 Numbers 21:4-9 | Ephesians 2:1-10 | John 3:14-21 | Psalm 107:1-3,17-22I took my one and only art history course as a college sophomore in 1975. Regrettably, the only thing I retained from those studies is the...

Loving Your Neighbor

Loving Your Neighbor

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Loving Your Neighbor March 8, 2024 Hosea 14:1-9  |  Mark 12:28-34  | Psalm 81:8-14“The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Mark 12:28-34Love it is one of the biggest things that is talked about during the season of...

Thread of the Divine

Thread of the Divine

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Thread of the DivineMarch 7, 2024 Jeremiah 7:23-28  |  Luke 11:14-23  |  Psalm 95:6-11It is 4:47PM on the night that my blog is due. Recently, I had a conversation with Father Tim and was inspired to be a part of the Lenten blog series this...

Pondering Safety

Pondering Safety

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Pondering SafetyMarch 6, 2024 Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 5-9  |  Matthew 5:17-19  |  Psalm 78:1-6         Give ear to our prayers, O Lord, and direct the way of your servants in safety under your protection, that, amid all the changes of our earthly...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 FORGIVEMarch 5, 2024 Song of Three Young Men 2-4, 11-20a |  Matthew 18: 21-35 | Psalm 25:3-10Today we live in a culture that often ignores the importance of forgiveness, and today’s readings remind us how essential it is to ask for and give...

The Law of Love

The Law of Love

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 The Law of LoveMarch 3, 2024 Exodus 20:1-17  |  1 Corinthians 1:18-25 | John 2:13-22 | Psalm 19­­The Old Testament lesson appointed for today lists the 10 Commandments that were given to Moses.  I remember learning the 10 Commandments as a...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Grateful March 2, 2024 Click image to enlarge Micah 7:14-15 | Luke 15:11-32 | Psalm 103:1-12 My mind began to meander as I sat with today’s readings. One of the reasons for my winding and weaving thoughts is that many of these words are...

Where the journey may lead

Where the journey may lead

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Where the journey may leadMarch 1, 2024 Genesis 37:3-4, 12-28 | Matt 21:33-43 | Psalm 105:16-22Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom.”This gospel...

Roots of Trust

Roots of Trust

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Roots of Trust February 29, 2024 Jeremiah 17:5-10  |  Luke 16:19-31   |  Psalm 1In today’s lessons, both the passage from the Book of Jeremiah and Psalm 1 paint the same image:Blessed are those who trust in the Lord… They shall be like a...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 GreatnessFebruary 28, 2024 Jeremiah 18:1-11, 18-20  |  Matt 20:17-28  |  Psalm 31: 9-16“but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came...

Honoring God

Honoring God

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Honoring GodFebruary 27, 2024 Isaiah 1:2-4, 16-20 | Matt 23:1-12 | Psalm 50:7-15,22-24“Whoever offers me the sacrifice of thanksgiving honors me; but to those who keep in my way will I show the salvation of God.”  Psalm50:24As we have been...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Hmmm February 26, 2024 Daniel 9:3-10 | Luke 6:27-38 | Psalm 79:1-9Jesus said, “I say to you that listen,  LOVE YOUR ENEMIES…          Do good to those who hate you.                Bless those who curse you.                         Pray for...

Where Do I Walk in the Covenant with God?

Where Do I Walk in the Covenant with God?

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Where Do I Walk in the Covenant with God? February 25, 2024 Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16  |  Romans 4:13-26  |  Mark 8:31-38  |  Psalm 22:22-30In all the readings for this the second Sunday of Lent a reoccurring theme has somehow taken up space in...

Feast of St. Matthias the Apostle

Feast of St. Matthias the Apostle

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Feast of St. Matthias the ApostleFebruary 24, 2024 Acts 1:15-26  |  Philippians 3:13-21  |  John 15:1, 6-16  |  Psalm 15 February 24 is the Feast of St. Matthias in the Episcopal church and the readings for today celebrate him. Many may...

Help us better understand God’s love.

Help us better understand God’s love.

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Help us better understand God’s love. February 23, 2024 Ezekiel 18:21–28 |  Matthew 5:20–26  |  Psalm 130Lent is my favorite time of the church year.  Forty days to remember Christ being tempted by the devil.  His strength.  His love for...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Becoming February 22, 2024 Esther (Apocrypha) 14:1–6,12–14  |  Matthew 7:7-12  |  Psalm 138When I read today’s lessons, I was so excited! I love Esther. She is so inspiring- a Cinderella/Joan of Arc woman. If you ever think “I can’t do...

Pray, Forgive, Overcome

Pray, Forgive, Overcome

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Pray, Forgive, OvercomeFebruary 20, 2024 A terracotta sculptural model of Saint Matthew by Giuseppe BernardiIsaiah 55:6-11  |  Matt 6:7-15  |  Psalm 34:15-22As Christians, we are called to grow into the image of God. What does that mean?...

Sheep and Goats

Sheep and Goats

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Sheep and Goats February 19, 2024 Leviticus 19:1-2, 2:1-18  Matt 25:31-46 Psalm 19:7-14The parable of the sheep and the goats… This one intrigues me—especially upon learning our beloved Fr. Tim and his dear wife Diane will soon be not...

Destructive, yet life-giving – water.

Destructive, yet life-giving – water.

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Destructive, yet life-giving – water. February 18, 2024 Genesis 9:8-17  |  1 Peter 3:18-22  |  Mark 1:9-15  |  Psalm 25:1-9Water. Beautiful to look at, refreshing to drink. But what happens when there is too much? After the January storms...

How Fast to Your Fast

How Fast to Your Fast

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 How Fast to Your Fast February 16, 2024 Isaiah 58:1-9a  |  Matt 9:10-17  |  Psalm 51:1-10Support Support us, O Lord, with your gracious favor through the fast we have begun; that as we observe it by bodily self-denial, so we may fulfill it...



Home > Lenten Blog 2024 Choices February 15, 2024 Deuteronomy 30:15-20  |  Luke 9:18-25  |  Psalm 1"See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity…I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and...

All You Need Is Love!

All You Need Is Love!

Home > Lenten Blog 2024 All You Need Is Love!February 14, 2024 Joel 2:1-2, 12-17  |  Isaiah 58:1-12  |  Psalm 103  |  2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10  |  Matt 6:1-6, 16-21When we began to put plans together for our Lenten blog, I was surprised and somewhat amused that Ash...

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