Psalm 80:1-3,14-18 | Sirach 48:1-11 |Matthew 17:9-13

Well, one thing is for sure: I’m consistent. Each year at this time, I am drawn to the concept of the light coming after the darkness. Perhaps paradoxically, I embrace the darkness, the coziness that comes from it, the inward reflection it inspires, but only because...

Psalm 1 | Isaiah 48:17-19 | Matthew 11:16-19

I decided to look up the Bible verses for today’s blog in my old family Bible. It has been in my bookcase for years and it just seemed to call to me. When I opened it up, I discovered a handwritten note that said my grandfather had given it to my grandmother in 1955....

I love Advent.

Psalm 145:1-4,8-13 | Isaiah 41:13-20 | Matthew 11:7-15I love Advent. Sure it’s the run-up to Christmas, sure it has some lovely symbolism, like the Advent wreath and the Advent calendars and candles. But I love it because it is dramatic. Before we get the...

Soar like an eagle…

Psalm 103:1-10 | Isaiah 40:25-31 | Matthew 11:28-30 In today’s lessons from Hebrew scripture, we read of God’s power and strength; a God who forgives our sins, heals our sickness, redeems us from the pit of despair and even provides vindication for the oppressed. Both...

Psalm 50:7-15 | Amos 5:18-24 | Matthew 18:12-14

This time of year I am often blessed with the problem of finding gifts for “people who have everything”. How to find a gift that says “you’re special”, for a mother scaling back her possessions, or a friend who has never known hesitation with the American Express...

Psalm 85:8-13 | Isaiah 35:1-10 | Luke 5:17-26

I hope that writing what the Advent season means to me is a good start. At first I didn’t really know what it was about but since learning about it from Father Tim I have a better understanding. It is about having hope and faith in difficult times especially now...