Ponderings on Christmas Day

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Ponderings on Christmas Day December 25, 2021 Isaiah 62:6-12 | Titus 3:4-7 |Luke 2:(1-7)8-20 | Psalm 97  “…But Mary treasured all these words, and pondered them in her heart.” Luke’s lyrical account of the Birth of Jesus, and its reference...

Live fully into this love relationship with God.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Live fully into this love relationship with God. December 24, 2021 Isaiah 9:2-7 | Titus 2:11-14 | Luke 2:1-14(15-20) | Psalm 96 Today’s readings proclaim God’s gift of divine love that has been, is, and always will be with us. To start us...

“His Name is John”

Home > Advent Blog 2021 “His Name is John” December 23, 2021 Psalm 25: 1-14 | Malachi 3:1-5 | Luke 1:57-66 A controversy. Elizabeth and then her husband Zechariah find themselves being challenged by some traditionalist priests over what to name their child. What’s...

Mary voices radical humility

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Mary voices radical humility December 22, 2021 Psalm 113 or Psalm 122 | 1 Samuel 1:19-28 | Luke 1:46-56 As a chorister, I grew up singing the Magnificat, the song of Mary, whenever we did Evensong. I still sing it every Sunday at my church...

Love Story

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Love Story December 21, 2021   Psalm 33:1-5, 20-22 | Song of Solomon 2:8-14 | Luke 1:39-45 Don’t you love a great story? The men of Theology on Tap have been talking a lot about stories this past year. We’ve focused our attention on...

Notice the miracles in the smallest of changes

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Notice the miracles in the smallest of changes. December 20, 2021 Psalm 24, Isaiah 7:10-14; Luke 1:26-38 “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.” Psalm 24 proclaims the majesty and wonder of God and all His creation. I most...