Our roots spread to all we touch and we bear fruit and prosper.

March 17, 2022

Jeremiah 17:5–10 | Luke 16:19–31 | Psalm 1

Jeremiah 17:5–10

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.

They shall be like a tree planted by water,
sending out its roots by the stream.

Psalm 1

They are like trees planted by streams of water,
bearing fruit in due season, with leaves that do not wither; 
everything they do shall prosper.

I spent many summers as a child in the ADKs (Adirondacks) of New York State with my aunt and uncle. They lived next to the East Branch of the AuSable River. Years later when I was a freshman in college my Mom and Dad moved to the ADKs and bought my aunt and uncle’s home.

As a youngster, I spent hours dangling my feet in the river daydreaming, meditating and enjoying the sound of the water moving by or going over the top of the dam and landing on the rocks below.

Likewise, I could sit by the river, or in the front yard, and be mesmerized by the mountains, especially Whiteface Mountain. The difference in the green shading of the trees fascinated me as well as the trees movement with the wind. The absolute beautiful, bright autumn colors of reds and oranges displayed by the maple trees; the contrast of the white birches standing strong and tall; the peacefulness of the first snow on the trees and on the mountain tops; and skiing down Whiteface…as best I could.

God’s trees and God’s creation (like the Atlantic) have always drawn me to peace, solitude and prayer. Trees by rivers and babbling brooks…on mountain sides in the distance… and forests where we walk and now one new dogwood in my front yard.

As we trust in God and learn the meaning of God’s love, we too like the trees, spread God’s love to those near and far. Our reach and impact go beyond our touch…to those we see; to those we support financially or emotionally; and most importantly our roots of love, like those of tree roots, to those we pray for and worship with regularly.

Truly, as God’s children, we are blessed. Our roots spread to all we touch and we bear fruit and prosper.

Doreen C. Putnam