Maybe you are a shepherd.

December 7, 2021

Psalm 50:7-15 | Amos 5:18-24 | Matthew 18:12-14

Here’s a familiar passage that most of us have heard many times- the story of the Good Shepherd. I’d like to bring it into a modern setting.

A teacher took the class on a field trip to the zoo. When it was time to leave, the children gathered at the bus for the ride home. The teacher counted them as they boarded. 1,2…23,24. There were supposed to be 25. The teacher counted again. 1,2,…23,24.

The teacher left the class and returned to the enclosure to look for number 25. After searching for minutes on end the missing child was found totally engrossed in the antics of the cage full of monkeys that were swinging and leaping with abandon. “Here you are,” said the teacher, gently taking the child’s hand. “Come along now. It’s time to go home and we can’t leave without you.”

Perhaps you have experienced a time when a shepherd found you and led you back from straying. Thank God for that person.

Maybe you are a shepherd. If you are, you are serving God. Carry on as He leads you.

Judy Stenberg

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