May you find poetry even in dark moments.

December 18, 2023

Zech. 1:7-17  |  Psalm 41  |  Psalm 53  |  Revelation 3:7-13  |  Matt. 24:15-31

When you hear the word ‘Advent’, what do you think? If you’re like me, plenty of images spring to mind: lit candles and evergreens in church, holiday baking, beautiful music, time with family and friends. Ok, so maybe there’s a bit of stress as time disappears and we’re not-quite-ready for Christmas, but most of Advent is tuned to joyful anticipation. 

So ‘joyful’ was the thought as I volunteered to write an advent blog. Then I read the readings for the day. Have you seen them? They range from grim to grimmer. There is plenty of talk of waiting, but a lot of woe and suffering seems to go along with it. Scripture is challenging; who am I to comment on any of it?

What caught my eye was the poetry of the language in Matthew 24:

‘the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light;

the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken”

Such compelling words to portray how bleak the situation. Of course, what follows the darkness is the coming of the Son of Man, with ‘power and great glory’. Ready or not, the wait is over. 

In this season of Advent, may you find poetry even in dark moments, and celebrate the light of Christ’s coming with joy.

Deb Britt

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