Hope and Grace

December 8, 2023

Isaiah 64:1-9   |  Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18  |   1 Corinthians 1:3-9  |  Mark 13:24-37

My first reading of today’s selected scripture left me feeling a bit unsettled. I’m just not comfortable with all the anger and wrath attributed to God. It is not uncommon for me to have these types of feelings when first reading certain passages of scripture.

But then, there it is…hope and grace. From 1 Corinthians: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” God’s grace is fully and unconditionally given; I pray I can mindfully accept it and honor it. And then from Psalm 80: “Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved.” I dare to hope.

I love the thought of God smiling down at us. Of God’s example showing us a way to do better, to be better. To love and to be loved, and to take care of each other. It fills me with hope. I am keenly aware of how often we fail, of how often I fail. I am reminded daily by turning on the television and tuning into the news of the day, or by simply looking in the mirror. But in my heart, I believe. I have to believe. God’s love, God’s love in us, will win.

Hope and grace are what I choose to focus on. In the face of daily disappointment, fears, and personal shortcoming; and mindful of many bewildering passages like the ones in today’s reading – it is still hope and grace I choose to focus on.

Father Tim often uses the term “faith journey.” I love this concept – this idea of journeying… of moving through, moving forward, taking the time to reflect, and sharing the journey with others. My own faith journey began in the previous century, as a little boy in the Roman Catholic Church. It brought me face to face with a lot of incomprehensible and fearful understandings of God. But it also planted in me a precious seed of hope and grace promised to us by God.

I am so grateful my faith journey has brought me to the beautiful souls of St. Luke’s. I do not feel I have all of this figured out by any means. In humility I realize quite the opposite. But the more I journey on, the more comfort I take in looking for the hope and grace along the way. And I fully believe that if I choose to look for it, really look for it… I will find it.

Thank you all for being part of my faith journey.

Joseph Gomes

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