Psalm 67 | Isaiah 56:1-8 | John 5:33-36

It’s the darkest part of the year; days are short, the afternoon light has that particular golden slant that suggests it won’t last long, then the sun is gone before dinnertime. Hunkered down against the pandemic, emotional and spiritual darkness creep in as well, as...

Psalm 30 | Isaiah 54:1-10 | Luke 7:24-30

From Isaiah 54:10 For a brief moment I abandoned you,    but with great compassion I will gather you.In overflowing wrath for a moment    I hid my face from you,but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you,    says the Lord, your Redeemer. For the mountains...

If Jesus Came Today

Psalm 85:8-13 | Isaiah 45:5-8(9-17)18-25 | Luke 7:19-23 Sometimes, I try to picture what it would be like if Jesus came to our world right now, in human form. Imagine the local news report gone viral with the description of a person walking into the ICU of a nearby...

Psalm 34:1-8 | Zephaniah 3:1-2,9-13 | Matthew 21:28-32

 I sought the Lord, and he answered me. And delivered me from all my fears. As I read the readings for today, one word that resonated and it’s a word most of has felt more this year than in years past is FEAR. Fear about getting infected with COVID 19, fear of the...

A Higher Authority

Psalm 25:3-8 | Numbers 24:2-7,15-17a | Matthew 21:23-27 Writing this blog has caused me to engage in a lot of reflection on the past year and to try to discern what our current pandemic experience and polarized politics means – to me, my community and my country. I...