Maybe you are a shepherd.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Maybe you are a shepherd. December 7, 2021 Psalm 50:7-15 | Amos 5:18-24 | Matthew 18:12-14 Here’s a familiar passage that most of us have heard many times- the story of the Good Shepherd. I’d like to bring it into a modern setting. A teacher...

God is with us.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 God is with us. December 6, 2021 Psalm 85:8-13 | Isaiah 35:1-10 | Luke 5:17-26 I am humbled by the scriptures for today. Each one is a description of how God made his presence known to his people. And what a perfect Advent message. Emmanuel,...

Love is contagious.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Love is contagious. December 5, 2021   Baruch 5:1-9 | or Malachi 3:1-4 | Philippians 1:3-11 | Luke 3:1-6 | Canticle 4 or 16 Paul to the Philippians: And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full...

The goodness and majesty of God.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 The goodness and majesty of God. December 4, 2021 Psalm 147:1-12 | Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26 | Matthew 9:35 — 10:1,5-8 As a teenager I often felt that many Bible readings were harsh and frightening. However, over time, I discovered inspiring...

“The deaf hear…” “The blind see…”

Home > Advent Blog 2021 “The deaf hear…” “The blind see…” December 3, 2021 Psalm 27:1-6, 17-18 | Isaiah 29:17-24 | Matthew 9:27-31 I turned 70 this past summer. And I’m still trying to wrap my mind around this reality. I find myself worrying about my memory. What...

Dad is my cornerstone.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Dad is my cornerstone. December 2, 2021 Psalm 118:19-24 | Isaiah 26:1-6 | Matthew 7:21-27 When I think about a cornerstone in my life, besides Christ, I would have to say that my Dad is my cornerstone. Dad was everything to me, and when he...