Who saw that coming?

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Who saw that coming? March 5, 2021 Genesis 37:3–4,12–28 | Matthew 21:33–43 | Psalm 105:16–22 At first sight we when we look at the Gospel reading and the first reading from Genesis, we can think to ourselves, what is going on here? Or maybe,...

Thursday in the Second Week of Lent

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Thursday in the Second Week of Lent March 4, 2021 Jeremiah 17:5–10 | Luke 16:19–31 | Psalm 1 I hope you all had a chance to read the lesson from the Gospel of Luke appointed for today. It is one in a string of parables Jesus shared with his...

“How about love. Measure in Love.”

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 “How about love. Measure in Love.” March 3, 2021 Jeremiah 18:1–11,18–20 | Matthew 20:17–28 | Psalm 31:9–16 “My times are in your hand”– Psalm 31:15 390     The number of days since I have had my hair cut357     The number of days since I...

Seek Justice and Rescue the Oppressed

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Seek Justice and Rescue the Oppressed March 2, 2021 Isaiah 1:2–4,16–20 | Matthew 23:1–12 | Psalm 50:7–15,22–24 We are spending the winter in Georgia as we have for many years. As has been much in the news, Georgia has a long history of Black...

Sliding over into the passenger seat and letting God drive.

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Sliding over into the passenger seat and letting God drive. March 1, 2021 Daniel 9:3–10 | Luke 6:27–38 | Psalm 79:1–9 Lent means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To some, it means “giving up” something…Usually...