Filled with hope and the light of Christ

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Filled with hope and the light of Christ March 29, 2021 Isaiah 42:1-9 | Hebrews 9:11-15 | John 12:1-11 | Psalm 36:5-11 Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace. What...

Two different worlds at once.

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Two different worlds at once. March 28, 2021 Isaiah 50:4-9a | Philippians 2:5-11 | Mark 14:1-15:47 or Mark 15:1-39, [40-47] | Psalm 31:9-16 One of the most amazing and wondrous experiences of my life happened several years ago while hiking...

God, Diana Ross and Caiaphas on Finding Home

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 God, Diana Ross and Caiaphas on Finding Home March 27, 2021 Ezekiel 37:21–28 | John 11:45–53 | Psalm 85:1–7 I first read the selections of readings for Saturday, the Fifth Week of Lent, a couple of weeks back. While procrastinating the...

From jeremiad to joy

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 From jeremiad to joy March 26, 2021 Jeremiah 20:7-13 | John 10:31-42 | Psalm 18:1-7 How “down in the mouth” was Jeremiah, author of today’s first reading? So down, he inspired the modern word “jeremiad,” which means “a prolonged mournful...

I feel something new: hope.

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 I feel something new: hope. March 25, 2021 Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS: “Annunciation Quilt” Isaiah 7:10-14 | Psalm 45 or Psalm 40:5-10 or Canticle 15 (or 3) | Hebrews 10:4-10 | Luke 1:26-38 Some years it feels strange and jarring to celebrate...


Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Truth March 24, 2021 Daniel 3:14–20,24–28 | John 8:31–42 | Canticle [2] or 13 The first couple of lines from John 8:31-42 made me think about how often we are prisoners – slaves even – of our own beliefs. We even suffer for those beliefs and...