Having Faith

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Having Faith December 7, 2023 1Kings 21:17-29  |  Psalm 27:5-11  |  Luke 12:35-46After reading and re-reading the passages and psalm a couple things came to mind. One of the things is that being a person of any faith comes with a price. That...

Receive the Kingdom of God!

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Receive the Kingdom of God!December 6, 2023 1 John 4:7-14  |  Psalm 145:8-13  |  Mark 10:13-16I’ve been thinking a lot about little children these days. Not just because it’s the holiday season, in which we see all kinds of ads with and for...

Seeking Peace

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Seeking PeaceDecember 5, 2023 Psalm 34:9-14  |  Colossians 1:11-20  |  John 6:57-63Some days it is difficult to reconcile the scripture readings with what is happening in the world around us. Having lived through many tumultuous times you...

Oh, Happy Day!

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Oh, Happy Day! December 4, 2023 1 Corinthians 15:12-20  |  Psalm 118:14-21  |  John 5:24-27‘Confirm our minds, O Lord, in the mysteries of the true faith … that we, with him, confessing Jesus to be true God and true Man and singing the...

Do we need God?

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Do we need God? December 3, 2023 Isaiah 64:1-9  |  Psalm 80:1-7 1  |  Corinthians 1: 3-9  |  Mark 13:24-37It’s here! Again! The most wonderful time of the year! Again! Advent! A beginning! A time of anticipation! A time of preparation! A...