Seeking Peace

December 5, 2023

Psalm 34:9-14  |  Colossians 1:11-20  |  John 6:57-63

Some days it is difficult to reconcile the scripture readings with what is happening in the world around us. Having lived through many tumultuous times you might think I would be used to it. But society changes, and that affects how we relate to what is going on in the world around us. We are living in a society of NOW, where whatever we think or feel at the moment takes center stage through the words we use. There are little to no filters on what is spoken and heard.

All three readings today call us out for our lack of filters. In the psalm we are admonished to control our speech and to apply the filter of the fear of God. I don’t believe it means “afraid” as we think of fear, but fear as in respect and awe. In doing so, we would speak with respect for all of God’s people:

            We would speak healing instead of anger.

            We would speak forgiveness instead of blame.

            We would speak unity instead of division.

            We would speak peace instead of war.

In Colossians we are reminded that Christ is the head (We are the body). We profess each week to believe in “one body” and yet… ooh those Pentecostals, Baptists, Muslims, Jews, and Atheists.

            We would speak acceptance instead of judgement.

John reminds us that true life is lived with the Holy Spirit guiding us daily. Meeting the Divine daily in all areas of our lives can change our society from a NOW focus to one that reflects the “fear of God” and can impact what is going on around us. We can change the world!

As we journey into Advent’s time of waiting and anticipation of that glorious day when Christ will return, we should remember that Christ came into this world to forgive, to love, to heal, and to bring peace. May we heed the call to do likewise.

“Make Me A Channel of your Peace”

Cindi Lovejoy

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