
Home > Advent Blog 2023 Magnificent!December 25, 2023 Luke 1:46-55Today, many of us will give, receive, and open presents. We will hear a litany of phrases like, “wow, just what I wanted!” Or, “this is great!” Or, “um… well… it is clear that you put a lot of work...

Christmas Eve with family

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Christmas Eve with family December 24, 2023 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16  |  Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26  |  Romans 16:25-27  |  Luke 1:26-38We are nearing the end of the Advent season. And today’s scripture reminds me just how far humanity had fallen to...

God Bless the Child That’s Got Her Own

Home > Advent Blog 2023 God Bless the Child That’s Got Her Own December 22, 2023 Zechariah 7:8-8:8  |  Psalm 40  |  Revelation 5:6-14  |  Matthew 25:14-30Back in 1968, the rock band Blood, Sweat & Tears released their second album, which included their version...

Believing is Seeing!

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Believing is Seeing! December 21, 2023 Habakkuk 2:1-4  |  Psalm 126  |  Hebrews 10:35-11: 1  |   John 20:24-29Thomas was known as “Doubting Thomas”.  He did not believe things unless he saw them himself.  He did not believe Jesus had risen...

Where do you find Joy?

Home > Advent Blog 2023 Where do you find Joy?December 20, 2023 Isaiah 55:6-11  |  Psalm 46  |  John 15:1-11I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11 This is the 3rd week of advent. The pink candle...