Where do you find Joy?

December 20, 2023

Isaiah 55:6-11  |  Psalm 46  |  John 15:1-11

I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11

This is the 3rd week of advent. The pink candle was lit this week. It is a signal of joy. Where do you find Joy? In the choir, at Christmas, in your family. Joy is around us all the time. Even though it can be hard to find joy in this season. What has brought joy to me is singing in the choir. It is amazing! The choir has become like a second family. The laughter and joy singing in the choir. Even when going through the hard times, singing brings up memories and joys that I have had in the past. 

Singing has been such a joy and such a part of my life ever since I was little. It was one of my dad’s favorite things to listen to me and my sister sing in the choir. The choir has made such an impact on the person I have become today. Through the many hard times, especially when my father passed away, they made me feel less alone and were always there for me. Through the many ups, like the choir concert this past Sunday, it brought so much joy to people and to me. Even though this time of year may be hard, know that you are not alone, and if it is a sad time there are still places that you can find joy. Whether it is in family, in a place, or just listening to a song, or like me singing in the choir, there is joy in things that you do.

Catherine Pilkington

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