He who calls you is to be trusted.

Home > Advent Blog 2022 He who calls you is to be trusted. December 1, 2022 Isaiah 2:12-22 | 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 | Luke 20:27-40 I was assigned 1 Thessalonians chapter 3, but this is a short epistle so I read the entire letter and found treasures in chapter 5. ...

“Thy Kingdom Come”

Home > Advent Blog 2022 “Thy Kingdom Come” November 30, 2022 Washington National Cathedral – Photo by Lawrence OP  http://lawrenceop.tumblr.comIsaiah 2:1-11 | 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 | Luke 20:19-26they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their...

God Calling

Home > Advent Blog 2022 God Calling November 29, 2022 Isaiah 1:21-31 | 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 | Luke 20:9-18 Advent is a season of Hope, Peace, Light, and Love. And yet today’s readings are full of bad behavior, deceit, ill-treatment of others, and a general...

By what authority are you doing these things?

Home > Advent Blog 2022 By what authority are you doing these things? November 28, 2022 Isaiah 1:10-20 | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 | Luke 20:1-8 As we venture into Advent, the season of the church year where we prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus into the world...

“Making Ready”

Home > Advent Blog 2022 “Making Ready” November 27, 2022 Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44I love trees… From the tallest, most majestic to the tiny saplings struggling to grow.This time of year the color has mostly faded from the leaves that dressed...