“You’re not the boss of me.”

Home > Advent Blog 2021 “You’re not the boss of me.” December 13, 2021 Psalm 25:3-8 |  Numbers 24:2-7,15-17a | Matthew 21:23-27 When trying to find inspiration for this blog assignment I found these 3 lines that kept bugging me and I had to figure out why: And when...

“Is a puzzlement.”

Home > Advent Blog 2021 “Is a puzzlement.” December 12, 2021 Zephaniah 3:14-20 | Philippians 4:4-7 | Luke 3:7-18 | Canticle 9 Usually I enjoy puzzles: word, number, logic, jigsaw, a good mystery. If I’m to be honest, I waste a lot of time solving them. But the...

God will walk the path with you

Home > Advent Blog 2021 God will walk the path with you December 10, 2021 Isaiah 48:17-18 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you for your own good, who leads you in the way you should go. The above words...

Every one of us can be a Saint Nicholas

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Every one of us can be a Saint Nicholas December 9, 2021 Psalm 145:1-4,8-13, Isaiah 41:13-20; Matthew 11:7-15 Advent is the season during which we prepare for the coming of the Great King, the Holy One of Israel. And most of us are pretty...