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Save the Date for Transition Activities this Fall – Your presence is crucial.
October 27 and December 8
On October 27 and December 8, we will have parish meetings after worship as part of the transition process. At our July meeting, the Vestry decided to have ONE SERVICE at 9 am on these days to worship as a unified congregation and to encourage turnout for these very important opportunities for reflection. This is your chance to have a voice, share your experiences of St. Luke’s, listen to others, and work together with other members to shape the Parish Profile that will attract your next Rector.
Childcare and activities for younger children will be provided. Middle School and High School students are encouraged to attend. We urge all leaders throughout the parish to encourage your friends and family to attend.
October 27 will be the History Timeline exercise where we collectively reflect on the history of St. Lukes looking for strengths, weaknesses and patterns across time. What do we want to continue? What do we want to leave behind? How are we being called by God to adapt, grow and thrive in our particular gifts?
On December 8, the Congregational Conversation will have all parishioners working together to answer a series of 12 questions that describe the church and the Rector the church wants to find. All data collected at both the History and Congregational Conversation events will be incorporated into the Parish Profile by the Parish Profile Committee to be used to search for the new rector.
We are blessed to have the leadership of the Rev. Canon Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew, Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Rhode Island, to lead both sessions.
Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the Wardens or the Interim Rector.
The Rev. Fr. Jarrett Kerbel, lnterm Rector, [email protected]
Deborah Collins, Senior Warden, [email protected]
Jacob Trombino, Junior Warden, [email protected]