Reach out and share

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Reach out and share March 17, 2021 Isaiah 49:8–15  |  Psalm 145:8–19  |  John 5:19–29 They shall feed along the ways,on all the bare heights shall be their pasture;they shall not hunger or thirst,neither scorching wind nor sun shall strike...

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God March 16, 2021 Ezekiel 47:1–9,12 | John 5:1–18 | Psalm 46:1–8 Water flows through these readings, sometimes gently and sometimes with a powerful rush, but always moving, not stagnant....

A Short Testament, a poem by Anne Porter

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 A Short Testament, a poem by Anne Porter March 15, 2021 Isaiah 65:17–25 | John 4:43–54 | Psalm 30:1–6,11–13 Whatever harm I may have doneIn all my life in all your wide creationIf I cannot repair itI beg you to repair it, And then there are...

God so loved the world

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 God so loved the world March 14, 2021 Numbers 21:4-9 | Ephesians 2:1-10 | John 3:14-21 | Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal...

Steadfast Love

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 Steadfast Love March 13, 2021 Hosea 6:1–6 | Luke 18:9–14 | Psalm 51:15–20 New Year’s resolutions for me last about two hours; my Lenten disciplines may be maintained for two days before I forget or give up. My self-discipline is sorely...

God is speaking to me. Can’t let this one go to voicemail!

Home > Lenten Blog 2021 God is speaking to me. Can’t let this one go to voicemail! March 12, 2021 Hosea 14:1–9  | Psalm 81:8–14  | Mark 12:28–34 Hosea 14:1-9 An Old Testament prophet, Hosea – Hebrew for “help” or “salvation” – lived around 750 BC in the kingdom of...