Moving forward, in tune with the music of God

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Moving forward, in tune with the music of God March 8, 2022 Isaiah 55:6–11 | Matthew 6:7–15 | Psalm 34:15–22When reading today’s scripture many words jumped out at me- seek, call, return, and God will do the rest. But as I thought I realized...

Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Can you teach an old dog new tricks? March 7, 2022 Leviticus 19:1–2,11–18  |  Matthew 25:31–46  |  Psalm 19:7–14A not-so-easy read…Psalm 19:7–14Having read and re-read this psalm, I profess an utter inability to grasp its overall message at...

What did Jesus do for forty days?

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 What did Jesus do for forty days? March 6, 2022 Deuteronomy 26:1-11 | Romans 10:8b-13 | Luke 4:1-13 | Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16What did Jesus do during his forty days in the wilderness? He had just been baptized and had been declared God’s son and...

Spread the love of Jesus to others

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Spread the love of Jesus to others March 5, 2022 Isaiah 58:9b–14 | Luke 5:27–32 | Psalm 86:1–11Luke 5:27-32In this gospel reading, we learn of a tax collector for the Roman Empire named Levi. Jesus walks by Levi and tells him to follow Him....