Moving forward, in tune with the music of God

March 8, 2022

Isaiah 55:6–11 | Matthew 6:7–15 | Psalm 34:15–22

When reading today’s scripture many words jumped out at me- seek, call, return, and God will do the rest. But as I thought I realized that it was not that simple. I asked myself what does this have to do with Lent? Yes, it is a time of introspection, a time to reevaluate one’s journey with God. I see a line of God’s people trudging along, somber, heavy with our inadequacies, our failures, and our lost dreams.

I honestly don’t think that is what God wants for us. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God’s thoughts and ways are not our ways, and that God’s ways are fruitful and positive. We are reminded of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness no matter what. Matthew gives us the blueprint for daily praise, obedience, supplication, and confession in a simple prayer we all know from childhood.

In re- looking at all the readings for today I see a glimpse of a Lenten journey where God’s people are moving forward, in tune with the music of God. Laying down at the foot of the cross our somber, heavy souls weary from trying so hard to be someone we were not created to be.

Lent is indeed a journey: Seeking to be in the presence of Jesus, Calling upon God to open our eyes to see God’s salvation, our ears to hear the music of God’s love, and our hearts to Return to being a people of grace, a people of service, a people of joy.

Cynthia Lovejoy