What Did Jesus Say?

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 What Did Jesus Say?March 18, 2022 Genesis 37:3–4,12–28 | Matthew 21:33–43 | Psalm 105:16–22Thank You, God, for the gift of Lent, a time for deep introspection. In these days of plague, insurrection, murder, and war, not to mention serious...


Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Cornerstone March 18, 2022 Genesis 37:3–4,12–28  |  Matthew 21:33–43  |  Psalm 105:16–22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our...

Work with God as our partner

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Work with God as our partnerMarch 16, 2022 Jeremiah 18:1–11,18–20 | Matthew 20:17–28 | Psalm 31:9–16Lent is a time to reflect on what God needs of us. Loving God above all things is the basis of our faith. We should love and take care of our...