Finding Joy in Victory and Salvation

Home > Advent Blog 2022 Promise! December 24, 2022 Isaiah 52: 7-10 | Psalm 98 | Hebrews 1:1-4 | John 1:1-14 It is December 25! We made it! You know the story that we are celebrating on this very day. Maybe you spent time with the passage from Matthew which mentions...


Home > Advent Blog 2022 Promise!December 24, 2022 Isaiah 35:1-10 | Revelation 22:12-17,21 | Luke 1:67-80So . . .  it is finally Christmas Eve! It is full of promise of Who is to come. We read and remember that God has promised to lead His people, to protect them. ...

Being the Light and Love of Christ

Home > Advent Blog 2022 Being the Light and Love of ChristDecember 23, 2022 Isaiah 33:17-22 | Revelation 22:6-11 | Luke 1:57-66Last Saturday morning St. Luke’s was bustling with activity. Folks were in the food pantry organizing the offerings there, the choir was...

My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Home > Advent Blog 2022 My Soul Magnifies the LordDecember 22, 2022 Isaiah 29:13-24 | Revelation 21:22-22:5 | Luke 1:39-56 Not being a Biblical scholar, I’m on shaky ground when I claim that nowhere else in the Good Book has an angel of the Lord spoken directly to...

Life’s Cornerstones

Home > Advent Blog 2022 Life’s CornerstonesDecember 21, 2022 Isaiah 28:9-22 | Revelation 21:9-21 | Luke 1:26-38 Therefore thus says the Lord God, See, I am laying in Zion a foundation stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation: ‘One who trusts...

Serve in moving God’s purpose forward.

Home > Advent Blog 2022 Serve in moving God’s purpose forward.December 20, 2022 Isaiah 11:10-16 | Revelation 20:11-21:8 | Luke 1:5-25When Zechariah entered the Lord’s sanctuary to burn incense, he was at a hinge of history and did not know it. Everything was going...