There is a sense of hopefulness while we wait.

Home > Advent Blog 2021 There is a sense of hopefulness while we wait. November 30, 2021 Psalm 72:1-8 | Isaiah 11:1-10 | Luke 10:21-24 I look forward to Advent. Without fail, every year, I am eager for Advent to begin. It might be my favorite time of year. I like...

Living into “The Present House of God”

Home > Advent Blog 2021 Living into “The Present House of God” November 29, 2021 Psalm 122: Song of Praise and Prayer for Jerusalem;Isaiah 2:1-5: The Future House of God;Matthew 8:5-13: Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant As I have done for over 20 years, I stepped...