Youth Faith Formation

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St. Luke’s Church nurtures the faith formation of young people with offerings that are joy-filled, creative, and engaging. At every step, our goal is to support our children and youth as they navigate the challenges of school, culture, sports, and growing up. From youth group to choir, and from Sunday morning classes to mission and outreach trips; we hope these programs will provide opportunities for our young people to grow and mature, make lasting friendships, and experience God’s presence in their lives in new ways.

Registration for the youth programs occurs in early September and continues throughout the traditional school year time frame. Classes for pre-K through grade 5 children and grades 6 through 11 for older youth are scheduled during our 10:00am worship service from 9:45am to 10:30am. Children and older youth are reunited with their parents after the passing of the Peace. Nursery care is available during all Sunday services.

REGISTER TODAY  –  The 2024-25 Youth Faith Foundation Program will be announced in August – stay tuned!

Our Youth Faith Formation program is headed by Amy Weigand, Youth Faith Coordinator, in collaboration with clergy and parents. Together, they plan for, recruit and support volunteers who serve as teachers and story tellers or assist with youth program activities as needed.

To learn more…

Amy Weigand, Youth Faith Coordinator

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Faith Formation

Nursery Care is available for children under age 3 during both the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Sunday services throughout the year. There is a limit of no more than 6 households per service to be represented in the nursery. Snacks will be offered in cups and distributed by the nursery attendants only. Play-things will be closely monitored and not shared between children. They will be cleaned between each session. Masks will not be required for nursery-age children. Vaccinations will be required for all nursery attendants, both paid and volunteer.

Godly Play, Pre-K through Grade 5
A Montessori-based approach to teaching the Bible, Godly Play begins each class with storytelling and invites children to respond to the faith stories through a variety of creative arts and activities. We are excited to welcome your children! Children in grades PreK-5th Grade meet on Sunday mornings starting at 9:45am and reuniting with their parents after the passing of the Peace.

Corporate Communion Classes
Here at St. Luke’s all people are welcome to join in the celebration of the Eucharist. Therefore, unlike the Roman Catholic Church, there is no First Communion Celebration in the Episcopal Church. However, we do believe that it is important to be intentional in teaching young people about the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Corporate Communion class is this program. It is designed to offer age-appropriate theology, liturgy, and tradition to children. Children are not the future of the church, they ARE the church today. This class honors their full membership in the Body of Christ and equips us grownups for the vows we made at their Baptism that we would support them in their life in Christ.

Every spring, children in 3rd and 4th grades are invited to participate in a special class that helps to teach them about the Eucharist. This 6-week course culminates in a Corporate Communion celebration on a designated Sunday during our 10:00am service.

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Youth Faith Formation, Journey To Adulthood, Grades 6-8
This program assists young people as they begin to take the first steps of independence from their families into their own lives and emerging adulthood. During this program, the community acknowledges and celebrates the amazing and creative power and potential of these young people. It is our hope that this will be a safe space for young people to explore new ideas and begin to form their own faith identity. This class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:30am.

Rite 13 Celebration

A celebration to honor the emerging voice and agency of our teens, the Rite 13 celebration is for youth nearly or celebrating their 13th birthday. The celebration includes a Saturday evening retreat for both youth and parents as well as a Sunday ceremony. 
Youth Faith Formation, Journey To Adulthood, Grades 9-11
This program helps to foster an understanding for the importance of Christian community. In addition to practicing skills necessary for adulthood (active listening, negotiating, partnership, leadership) young people in this class learn new ways of reading Scripture, new ways of praying, and continued efforts of community building. This class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:30am. 

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Confirmation Program, Grades 9-11
In the Episcopal Church, confirmation is a time when young people are invited to explore their faith, learn about the Episcopal Church, and confirm their commitment to a lifelong journey of faith. The confirmation program at St. Luke’s is a two-year program.  Students begin in 9th or 10th grade, and then are confirmed the following year as 10th and 11th graders. This course is led by the clergy of the parish and traditionally meets in the evenings once a week during the Spring Semester of the Academic year.

To participate in any of our Youth Faith Formation, please REGISTER ONLINE, or complete a youth registration form available in the church atrium or from the church office.

For more information about  
Youth Faith Formation – Contact Amy Weigand (
Nursery Care – Contact: Karen Phelps via Parish Office (

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Worship Ministries

Acolytes, Grades 5 & Up

Acolytes are young people, 5th grade or older, who are trained to assist at the altar during worship services.  New acolytes participate in a training session and then shadow veteran acolytes before they assume full responsibilities. Service protocol refreshers are provided each fall as new and veteran acolytes gather for a pizza party and prepare for the upcoming church year. Each year, the acolytes are recognized during a worship service in the fall along with acknowledgement of Senior Acolytes and their leadership in mentoring and modeling acolyte roles and practices.     
Dr. Charlie Cronin    

The Angel Choir, Grades K- 2

These young choristers sing once a month at the 10:00am service, and participate in other special events. Children learn the basic language of music, including beginning note reading, singing and rhythm instruments. This is a perfect place to introduce your child to music! Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 4:15pm to 4:45pm.
Rodney Ayers, Minister of Music    

The St. Cecilia Choir, Grades 3-12
In addition to learning singing and music skills, choristers gain knowledge of liturgy and church history. The choir is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music. This choir also participates in Evensongs, festivals and field trips.  Rehearsal is on Friday from 4pm to 6pm.
Rodney Ayers, Minister of Music    

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Safe Church Statement

All clergy, employees, and volunteers at St. Luke’s Church are required to undergo Safe Church Training through the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. Safe Church Training is a required certification program for clergy, lay ministers, employees, vestry members, those who volunteer in programs for children and youth, and those who visit church members in their homes or assisted living facilities. It is required for church members with key access to the church. This training is also recommended for all lay people in leadership positions and leaders from outside groups who use the church facility for their programs. Safe Church training is grounded in our call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being. The clergy and vestries of each individual church are responsible for oversight of their parishioners and staff who need to take the training. Contact Parish Office regarding any questions about training.