We should remember to forgive as we are wanting to be forgiven.

March 22, 2022

Song of the Three Young Men 2–4,11–20a | Matthew 18:21–35 | Psalm 25:3–10

Peter came and said to Jesus, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but I tell you, seventy-seven times.

I find this Gospel reading very fitting for Lent as season of reflection and repentance.   

During this season we hear the story of Jesus’ experiences leading up to his death. Jesus is falsely accused, which leads to his arrest. During the period Jesus is betrayed, brutally beaten, humiliated, mocked and crucified. How did Jesus find the strength and courage to forgive these people? Yet he did, Jesus was able to forgive the people who he loved who betrayed him and even those who he did not know at all. 

I don’t know about you, but every time I hear this I struggle. I struggle to forgive a person when I am deeply hurt by that person. Jesus tells us to forgive them seventy-seven times, that is a lot. I wonder if that same person continually hurts you, do you forgive seventy-seven times for each offense. Sometimes the person does not even realize how deeply they have hurt you.  

I know that the one person I have trouble forgiving is myself. I struggle with my forgiving myself when I have disappointed my family, friends or even strangers when I should have treated them better. I am sure Jesus means we should forgive ourselves seventy-seven times. Certainly, Jesus has forgiven me… why can’t I forgive myself so easily.

Where do you get the strength to keep forgiving someone and ourselves?

Jesus was able to forgive them seventy-seven times because his strength comes from his faith. My faith gives strength to pray for my enemies known and unknown. My faith makes me believe that everyone can be forgiven no matter how notorious their sins may be, they just need to repent and ask for that forgiveness. My faith helps me see the light no matter how much darkness there may be in my life. Jesus is light for all, we just need to remember he walked among us and with us; we just need to look for that light. Jesus died so that we may be forgiven for our sin. 

We should remember to forgive as we are wanting to be forgiven.

Anna Pilkington