“The kingdom of heaven is like…”

March 22, 2024

Jeremiah 20:7-13  |  John 10:31-42  |  Psalm 18:1-7

I remember having a necklace with a little round, see-through glass ball with a very tiny seed inside… A mustard seed…  I was probably in 6th or maybe 7th grade. I cherished that necklace… It spoke to me…

It spoke to me of the mystery of life, God’s creation all around us.

It spoke to me of the MYSTERY that something so tiny might actually be a revelation about what & where the Kingdom of God could actually be found.  And not just “found” like looking through a microscope, or even a telescope. 

A mystery that WE have to SEE

A mystery we have to WANT  to see…

A mystery we have to be OPEN to see…

It never, ever occurred to me that the idea of comparing the Kingdom of God to an itty-bitty mustard seed was ludicrous, ridiculous, stupid.

I found myself in awe of GOD’s CREATIVITY… This tiny little seed…So tiny it could be easily dismissed as nothing really important.     

“Ah… and that’s just the point, isn’t it, GOD?”

Don’t ASSUME that something tiny doesn’t matter…Don’t ASSUME that something tiny doesn’t hold a grander reality… Just be careful when “assuming” anything and everything.

As a child – and even as an adolescent – heck, even now as an aging adult…. I love moments to just be still… quiet, aware and thankful for my breathing, being able to see, being aware of how near GOD is… always and all ways.  And I LOVE being surprised by GOD!  “Hiding” the Kingdom in a MUSTARD SEED!?  Pure genius!  I can almost hear God laughing and saying, “Ha!  Made you look!”

My mustard seed necklace taught me something I still need to be reminded of… Don’t take anything for granted… And don’t dismiss the small/tiny things as insignificant.  Sometimes they reveal things that are so immense, so much more than we could ask for or imagine!

Pam Gregory