Peace In The Midst Of Pain

December 26, 2024

Jeremiah 26:1-9, 12-15 | Acts 6:8-7, 51c-60 | Matthew 23:34-39 | Psalm 31

Both Jeremiah and Stephen were persecuted for prophesying about God’s punishment for evil deeds. This is the dark underbelly of our existence, and it is jarring to be reminded of it so close to our celebration of Christ’s birth. Jeremiah was spared to continue his prophecies, but Stephen became the first Christian martyr.

God is saying to us that we have to suit our words and our actions and actually live like we believe in God with our whole heart.

What are we to think about the recent events in the Middle East? Syria has a chance to start over, but assuredly there will be pain. Israel and the Palestinians can start over too, but not before they get rid of entrenched attitudes. A new administration will take office in this country in January. What will be the shape of our starting over?

“My times are in your hand; Rescue me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.”

This could be a prayer for the whole world.

Carol Stevens

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