Home > Lenten Blog 2023
I Will Call Upon the Lord
March 31, 2023
Jeremiah 20:7–13 | Psalm 18:1–7 | John 10:31–42
As I read through these scriptures, my first reaction was “Circle the wagons, we’re surrounded”. When I finished laughing at myself I remembered a book I read long ago (Hinds Feet on High Places), an allegorical tale of one of the Shepherd’s followers who is afraid of everything. Other followers of the Shepherd advise her to ask the Shepherd to take her to the high places where she will be made new and not be afraid. The story is a tale of personal transformation. A story about learning to call upon the Lord for help. We don’t like to ask for help in our world, we want to be in control. And yet, walking with Jesus is about letting go, trusting God enough to relinquish control and asking for help when needed. Personal transformation. Isn’t that what Lent is about?
The scriptures for this day focus on just that: our response to the challenges of life. The answer is simple “I will call upon the Lord, so shall I be saved from my enemies.” Whatever is going on in our lives, whatever frustrations, challenges, disappointments we face, we can call upon the Lord. And each time we place our hand in God’s we are transformed – sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. But always God raises us up with love, forgiveness, and hope. While we might initially think “Circle the wagons”; as we are transformed, we become more confident in our faith, in our ability and willingness to trust in God, to give God praise and glory.
As we walk this last week of Jesus’ life here on earth, may we remember that Christ died to save us from our enemies. We can call upon the Lord because the Lord lives, and blessed be the rock of our salvation.
Cindi Lovejoy