”I Believe.“

December 13, 2022


Today’s New Testament lesson shares the story of Jesus being mocked and beaten by the authorities. They are trying to trick him & get him to admit what they want to hear.

But one of Jesus’ responses is “If I tell you, you will not believe.” 

What does it take for us to believe? To believe that Jesus is the son of God? To believe that the God of the universe created all things? To believe that the Holy Spirit dwells within each of us? 

For many of us we learn these truths as children from our parents or priest. For some it’s a transformational event in our spiritual lives. For others it’s through watching people we love share their love of Christ with others. 

When did you first “believe?” Can you pinpoint a moment in time when you realized you “believed?” 

Doreen C. Putnam 

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