Make Straight the Way of the Lord

December 17, 2023

Isaiah 61:1-4  8-11  |  Psalm 126  1  |  Thessalonians 5:16-24  |  John 1:6-8, 19-28

A few weeks ago, I decided to begin a new project. It always seems that when I begin a new project, there’s much more set up and preparation required than I envisioned when I decided to do the project in the first place! The same thing is happening with this new project. I learned I needed a few pieces of special equipment – ok, I got those, how exciting! Then I learned I needed a specially set up room in which to do the project. I decided on the best room to use and found some supplies to set it up, but as I began putting things in place, I found that there’s just not enough space to set it all up. So, I need to clean out the room – sort through the stuff I’ve been storing and saving, some things for years, just in case I might need them! Some of the decisions are hard to make, “I really want to keep this because it’s so pretty, or it has so much meaning, or has so many memories attached to it.” “This item worked so well in the past and I’m sure I’ll need to use it again; I can’t possibly get rid of it!” I considered the possibility of piling some of the things in the corner, moving other things to the basement, and shifting some more off to the side. But as I looked around, it was clear that there was still not enough room, and the piles were so high, I was afraid they might fall on top of me. I know I must get rid of some of these things, but I’m finding it hard to let go. None the less, if I’m going to begin this exciting new project, I must make room for it.

As I considered the Scriptures appointed for today that are the basis for this blog entry, I realized that this cleaning out I need to do for my new project is similar to the preparation John the Baptist is speaking about in John 1:23, “make straight the way of the Lord.” 

Advent is all about preparation, specifically making room in our hearts for the awesome love that is Jesus to fill and refresh our hearts once again on Christmas. What preparations have I made?  Is there room in my heart right now? What things am I holding on to that are just taking up space, cluttering my heart with piles and piles that need to be sorted through, cleaned up, or just thrown away? What do I need to hold in my heart and what do I need to let go of? Making room for Jesus in our hearts and lives is actually a daily necessity, not just for Advent, but just like we clean up and put things away when we’re getting ready for guests or a new project, Advent is a great time to “make straight the way of the Lord.” 

How are you making space?

Nancy Arnold

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