Home > Advent Blog 2022
God Calling
November 29, 2022
Isaiah 1:21-31 | 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 | Luke 20:9-18
Advent is a season of Hope, Peace, Light, and Love. And yet today’s readings are full of bad behavior, deceit, ill-treatment of others, and a general disregard for God.
Adveniri is the Latin root for our word of Advent and it roughly translates to “to come towards”.
The readings for today show us a people of God, who chose self-fulfillment over integrity and justice. And yet there is a promise of restoration.
I see Isaiah, Paul and Timothy, and Jesus, as being “voices in the wilderness”, calling God’s people to come towards the LIGHT; to be restored, to be forgiven, to be encouraged. I have to wonder… who are the voices in the wilderness in our world?
Advent is also part of the word Adventure. Our journey through this season is an Adventure (Adveniri), from the darkness that lives within and around us to come towards God, where we will find our own Hope, Peace, Light, and Love.
Along the way we are called to live a life “worthy of God who is calling you into his own kingdom and glory” (1 Thessalonians 2:12).
God is calling you…
Will you answer? “Here I am, Lord”
Cynthia Lovejoy
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