Home > Advent Blog 2024
Faith, Forgiveness & Family
December 23, 2024
Genesis 21:8-21 | 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 | Luke 17:1-6
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and Luke’s Gospel speak to me about family both birth & chosen and how we are all better when in this life together. We need each other all the time, in times of weakness and sorrow, in times when we are suffering and the times we sin. Together we console each other, together our suffering is easier to bear, together we can bear the disappointments and trials that life hands us.
“Jesus said to his disciples, “Occasions for stumbling are bound to come,”
We all stumble, every day, it’s human nature. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving others while difficult, bring us back into a right relationship with God. Sometimes the asking is easier than the forgiving. While I have struggled with both over the years, not forgiving others harms me more. Some wisdom does come with age, and I now know that faith can help us get to a place where speaking forgiveness can keep family together. Forgiveness brings wholeness.
Worshiping regularly with my Church family increases and strengthens my faith. The Lord doesn’t increase our faith, we increase our faith through gathering together in the Lord’s name to pray, listen and sing.
The Lord replied, ‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed…’
Let’s all pray this Christmas season that our faith grows so that we may forgive and ask to be forgiven.
Fran Gammell-Roach
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