Exploring Your Faith

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Education and faith formation are not just for kids at St. Luke’s. Learning is a lifelong process, and it is especially important as more and more people reconnect with the church at various points in life. Adult faith formation at St. Luke’s primarily takes place on a weekly basis. Small group gatherings are also hosted monthly or on an ad hoc basis to provide alternative opportunities for fellowship and sharing. We invite you to join us as we grow in our faith and journey together as followers of Jesus.

Adult Faith Formation Series

Our Adult Faith Formation Series alternates between in-person sessions on Sundays and virtual sessions via Zoom on Wednesday evenings. Please view our Weekly newsletter for current topic and Zoom information.

The Adult Faith Formation program’s goal is: To provide programs that are intellectually, spiritually and personally enriching and stimulating. Faith formation is the lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, self, others, and all of creation.

At St. Luke’s we believe that life-long learning is an integral part of our Christian life. It is important for growing in our relationship with God, self, and others. And one of our foundation principals is that we are never too old to learn. To support this, we offer an Adult Faith Formation Series that includes: book studies, guest speakers, and multimedia educational programs.

Sample topics from our Adult Faith Formation Series include:

  • Virtual viewing and discussion of Rob Bell videos – Rhythm and Dust

  • Anti-racism Sunday discussion and luncheon based on Do the Work: Antiracist Activity Book by W. Kamau Bell and Kate Schatz

  • Three-part Sunday Night at the Movies viewing Mission: JOY Finding Happiness in Troubled Times with the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu

  • Sunday Forum on historical and theological development of the Nicene Creed, lead by Jeremy Langill, Executive Minister at the Rhode Island Council of Churches

  • Book Studies, including:

          – When Faith Becomes Sight: Opening Your Eyes to God’s Presence All Around by Beth & David Boorman
          – Gender and the Nice Creed by The Reverend Elizabeth Geitz
          – Uncommon Gratitude: Alleluias for All That Is by The Most Rev. Rowan Williams and Joan Chittister
          – Surrender to Love by David Benner

For more information about Adult Faith Formation programs and schedule:
Contact: admin@stlukeseg.org   

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Small Groups and Faith Formation

Sometimes, Sunday morning is just not enough to feed our faith!  Or, for some of us, there is a preference for alternative programs or small group gatherings to explore our faith. Through lay leadership and creativity, several opportunities for such exploration are available. These small group programs are typically offered on a monthly basis between September and June, although a spontaneous outing or extra-curricular event may occur. 

Women of Grace (WoG) is a women’s group that meets once a month. Each gathering begins with a period of fellowship, followed by a topical discussion and ending with prayer or compline.
Contact: Deb Lukens
Email: admin@stlukeseg.org

Theology on Tap (TOT) is a men’s group that meets once a month to discuss theology while sharing in fellowship and drink with other men. See our Weekly newsletter for upcoming dates and times.
Contact: Brent Bostic       
Email: admin@stlukeseg.org

Other Resources:

St. Luke’s Library is located in the church atrium. Whether for individual exploration, program support, or other purposes, the library is open to the parish membership. Please contact admin@stlukeseg.org when borrowing materials from the library.

St. Luke’s Music Library is located in Room 6 on the second floor of the parish building. The collection of classical and sacred musical recordings was donated to the church by the family of Jerry White, who worshipped at St. Luke’s his entire life. Please contact the Minister of Music, Rodney Ayers, rodney@stlukeseg.org or admin@stlukeseg.org, when borrowing CDs from the library.