Keeping Watch

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 Keeping Watch March 16, 2023  Jeremiah 7:23–28  |  Psalm 95:6–11  |  Luke 11:14–23Collect for today:Keep watch over your Church, O Lord, with your unfailing love; and, since it is grounded in human weakness and cannot maintain itself without...

Keeping the Commandments of the Lord

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 Keeping the Commandments of the Lord March 15, 2023  Deuteronomy 4:1–2,5–9  |  Psalm 78:1–6  |  Matthew 5:17–19Moses said “You must neither add anything to what I command you nor take away anything from it, but keep the commandments of...

Forgive from our heart.

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 Forgive from our heart. March 14, 2023  Song of the Three Young Men 2–4,11–20a  |  Psalm 25:3–10  |  Matthew 18:21–35The Gospel today, Matthew 18:21-35, is well-known, i.e.,Peter:  How many times should I forgive another who sins against...

What were you expecting?

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 What were you expecting? March 13, 2023  2 Kings 5:1–15b  |  Psalm 42:1–7  |  Luke 4:23–30The lessons assigned for today have me thinking about expectations, and how we react when things don’t go exactly as we had hoped.In the Hebrew...

I’m really thirsty, would you please give me a drink?

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 I’m really thirsty, would you please give me a drink?March 12, 2023   Exodus 17:1-7  |  Psalm 95  |  Romans 5:1-11  |  John 4:5-42 Reading Scripture has been an exciting and interesting exploration for me ever since I was a little girl and...

The Real Emotional Reflections of The Prodigal Son

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 The Real Emotional Reflections of The Prodigal SonMarch 11, 2023 Micah 7:14–15,18–20  |  Psalm 103:1–4(5–8)9–12  |  Luke 15:11–32I would wager that many of us with siblings have felt a sense of discomfort when absorbing the story of the...