
Home > Lenten Blog 2023 ContextMarch 22, 2023  Isaiah 49:8–15  |  Psalm 145:8–19  |  John 5:19–29The 274 words of the Gospel reading from John (5:19-29) really covers a huge amount of material and a lot of the basic fundamentals of Christianity. There is so much...

Fresh Water

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 Fresh Water March 21, 2023  Dead SeaEzekiel 47:1–9,12  |  Psalm 46:1–8  |  John 5:1–18Definitions: Cubit = an ancient measure of length, approximately equal to the length of a forearm. It was typically about 18 inchesArabah = desert or...

The Lord is My Shepherd

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 The Lord is My Shepherd March 19, 2023  1 Samuel 16:1-13  |  Psalm 23  |  Ephesians 5:8-14  |  John 9:1-41Lent is a time when our focus tends to be on repentance, fasting, self-denial and meditation.  Combining that with the current events...

Perfection, Humility and the Pharisee Within

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 Perfection, Humility and the Pharisee Within March 18, 2023  Dispute between Jesus and the Pharisees – Gustave DoréHosea 6:1–6  |  Psalm 51:15–20  |  Luke 18:9–14In the parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector, Jesus rebukes the grandiose,...

Loving With a Whole Heart

Home > Lenten Blog 2023 Loving With a Whole HeartMarch 17, 2023  Hosea 14:1–9  |  Psalm 81:8–14  |  Mark 12:28–34I can’t quite believe I was assigned this reading. It is so very foundational to our faith. It’s what I’ve heard in my head – and in church – my whole...