I give my life freely to God.

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 I give my life freely to God. March 14, 2022 Daniel 9:3–10 | Luke 6:27–38 | Psalm 79:1–9The Gospel Luke 6:27-38 is one I am very familiar with in my spiritual journey because it is one I struggle with the most. In my life, I am often treated...

“How can I keep from singing?”

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 “How can I keep from singing?” March 13, 2022 Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 | Philippians 3:17-4:1 | Luke 13:31-35 | Psalm 27 Of all the readings assigned for this 2nd Sunday of Lent, the one & only thing that kept drawing me back was this...

“…pray for those who persecute you…”

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 “…pray for those who persecute you…” March 12, 2022 Deuteronomy 26:16–19 | Matthew 5:43–48 | Psalm 119:1–8Scripture Matthew 5:43-48   “…pray for those who persecute you…”How easy it is to pray for ourselves or for those who don’t persecute...

We should not be afraid of our shortcomings

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 We should not be afraid of our shortcomings March 11, 2022 Ezekiel 18:21–28 | Matthew 5:20–26 | Psalm 130I am guilty of calling people fools. And worse. The readings set for today call to mind that “sin” (what one priest told me is “missing...

Ask, search, and knock.

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Ask, search, and knock. March 10, 2022 Esther (Apocrypha) 14:1–6,12–14 | Matthew 7:7–12 | Psalm 138I imagine that we have all faced crises in our lives and floundered, flailed about, or sunk into some state of despair as we dealt with the...

Running away

Home > Lenten Blog 2022 Running away March 9, 2022 Jonah 3:1–10 | Luke 11:29–32 | Psalm 51:11–18Scripture readings assigned for today focus on the story of Jonah. If you haven’t heard the story for a while, let me remind you…when the word of the Lord first came to...