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Announcement by The Rev. Timothy T. Rich
February 4, 2024
Dear Friends,
It was almost twelve years to the day that I was introduced to you as the rector-elect. My how time flies when you’re having fun!
I recall how Diane and I drove down to meet you, filled with a combination of competing emotions. Diane was leaving her dream job to move to Rhode Island. I was leaving New Hampshire, a place I had lived and loved for sixteen years. There was no escaping the sadness of those realities.
But we were also filled with excitement and hope. We had so enjoyed our initial meetings with the St. Luke’s vestry and search committee. We were so impressed by the search profile and all that St. Luke’s offered. And it was so easy to imagine that a life of abundant blessings awaited us here in Rhode Island. My, how those hopes have been realized.
Today, I write with the same mixture of emotions to share the news that Diane has been selected to be the Head of School at St. James’ Episcopal School in Los Angeles, CA. And now, just as twelve years ago Diane left her dream job to follow me to Rhode Island, it is my turn to leave my dream job and follow her to Los Angeles.
As some of you know, this past fall Diane was informed by the trustees of Rocky Hill Country Day School that her tenure as Head of School would end at the conclusion of the 2023/2024 school year. Honestly, the news was heartbreaking; Diane and I both had planned to someday conclude our full-time careers here in Rhode Island. But you know what they say about how to make God laugh—just tell God your plans.
Of course, it was our greatest desire and first hope that Diane might find new opportunities nearby that would allow me to stay at St. Luke’s. Unfortunately, this was not the case. There’s much more to say about the opportunity that St. James’ presents her, but for now, I will say simply that its Episcopal values and prominently-displayed banner which reads, “Excellence through joy,” speak volumes about how the school is a wonderful fit for my faith-filled and joy-filled wife.
There’s also plenty to say about the transition that will follow here at St. Luke’s. Again in brief, I will tell you these things: Sunday, June 16 will be my final Sunday; sometime within the next month, the Bishop’s office will begin collaboration with the vestry to craft a transition plan (for those of you who recall when my predecessor Craig Burlington retired, the transition process has become much more flexible and context-based than in those days); you will be so well-served by your amazing wardens and vestry in all that will come; and in between now and then, we will continue to focus our attention on Jesus, on the gospel, and on being God’s hands and heart in the world.
Obviously, there’s much more to say than all this. (And at least for Diane and me, more than a few tears to shed.) For now though, let me tell you, I/we feel so blessed for the time we have shared. I/we feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to share still more time with you.
And most importantly, I/we love you all from the bottom of our hearts.