
February 26, 2024

Daniel 9:3-10 | Luke 6:27-38 | Psalm 79:1-9

Jesus said, “I say to you that listen,  LOVE YOUR ENEMIES…

          Do good to those who hate you.

                Bless those who curse you.

                         Pray for those who abuse you.”

Ideally, we learn to LOVE in the context of our families, as we are growing up.

But honestly, we also learn to HATE & to CURSE from our families…And some of us (perhaps too many to count) have also learned abusive behaviors – again, from our families while growing up. Because we grew up – in the context of our families of origin witnessing abusive behavior – one family member taking on the role of Abuser, & other family members being the designated victims of abuse. Abuse that might be verbal or physical or even sexual… Abuse that leaves deep & profound scars in our minds & hearts & spirits.

So why would Jesus being telling us to PRAY for those who ABUSE us?  Because to pray for our abusers is to recognize that our abusers have been the ABUSED also…

And because Jesus wants us to see – REALLY SEE – with both EMPATHY & COMPASSION the depth of pain & despair on both sides of abuse…. Because only when we can really SEE THAT can we possible hope to BREAK that cycle, that pattern… So that WE aren’t perpetuating – but instead – so that we are BREAKING that pattern of pain & grief.  How do we do that?  Where do we even begin?

It begins with LOVE… LOVE is the only thing that can really & truly HEAL all of us, whatever scars we bear… whatever scars we inflict… To break the cycle… It takes being brave enough to LOVE,  to FORGIVE, to PRAY, to BLESS… And LENT is as good a time as any to open the eyes of our hearts… to offer compassion & kindness & generosity… 

“Do to others as you would have them do to you…
Be merciful, just as your Father in Heaven is merciful.”

Pam Gregory