Youth Summer camp Vacation Bible School flyer

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Vacation Bible School
St. Luke’s will host Vacation Bible School (VBS) from July 21–25, 2025, for children ages 4–12. This summer’s theme, Waves of Gratitude, will feature a full-day summer camp program filled with fun, faith, and creativity. Parents can expect:

  • Water fun

  • Music & Movement

  • Creative crafts

  • STEAM projects

For more information, contact: Amy Weigand, Director of Youth and Family Ministries

Youth Faith Formation

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At St. Luke’s, we are dedicated to nurturing the faith journey of young people at every stage of their development. Our Youth Faith Formation programs provide a vibrant and supportive community where children and teens can grow in their faith, build meaningful relationships, and experience God’s presence in transformative ways.

Through dynamic youth groups, inspiring choir programs, engaging Sunday morning classes, and impactful retreats and mission trips, we offer a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and connection. We recognize the challenges today’s youth face and strive to provide a faith-centered foundation that supports them in their daily lives.

To participate in any of our Youth Faith Formation offerings, please REGISTER ONLINE or complete a registration form available in the church atrium or office.

For more information, contact: Amy Weigand, Director of Youth and Family Ministries

images of youth in Godly Play programming

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Faith Formation and Youth Program Offerings

Nursery care is available for children ages 3 and under during both the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Sunday services.

Godly Play (Grades PK–3)
Godly Play is a Montessori-based approach to teaching the Bible. Each class begins with storytelling and invites children to respond to faith stories through creative arts and activities. Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM, and children reunite with their parents in church after the Passing of the Peace.

Solemn Communion Classes (4th Grade)
At St. Luke’s, all are welcome to receive the Eucharist. Solemn Communion is designed to help children deepen their understanding of Holy Communion. In the Episcopal Church, children may receive Communion after Baptism or when they express a desire to participate. This class provides age-appropriate theology, liturgy, and tradition to support their spiritual growth. Each spring, 4th-grade children are invited to a six-week course that culminates in a Solemn Communion celebration during a designated 10:00 AM Sunday service.

Youth Faith Formation 1 (Grades 4–5)
Based on Lesson Plans That Work, a curriculum published by the Episcopal Church, this class follows the liturgical calendar. Students engage with Bible stories through hands-on activities and crafts. Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM.

youth epiphany pageant

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Youth Faith Formation 2 (Grades 6–8)
Our middle school class uses lessons from the Virginia Theological Seminary Episcopal Curriculum for Youth. Lessons focus on students’ gifts, talents, roles, and responsibilities within the church community and beyond. This class meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM.

Rite-13 Celebration
The Rite-13 Celebration marks an important milestone for youth turning 13 as they begin their journey toward adulthood and independence. This special event gathers the St. Luke’s community to honor the creative power and potential of our young people. Rite-13 preparation classes, a celebratory dinner, a retreat, and a formal celebration take place in the fall.

Confirmation Program (Grades 9–11)
Confirmation is a time for young people to explore their faith, learn about the Episcopal Church, and affirm their commitment to a lifelong journey with God. The St. Luke’s confirmation program is a two-year journey beginning in 9th or 10th grade, with confirmation taking place the following year. Led by parish clergy, the class traditionally meets weekly in the evenings during the spring semester.

youth confirmation image

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Confirmation Program (Grades 9–11)
Confirmation is a time for young people to explore their faith, learn about the Episcopal Church, and affirm their commitment to a lifelong journey with God. The St. Luke’s confirmation program is a two-year journey beginning in 9th or 10th grade, with confirmation taking place the following year. Led by parish clergy, the class traditionally meets weekly in the evenings during the spring semester.

Youth Group & Special Events

Fun & Faith Fridays Youth Group (Grades 6–12)
Hosted at St. Luke’s on the third Friday of each month, Fun & Faith Fridays bring youth together for dinner, games, and activities that foster teamwork, creativity, and laughter. The evening also includes faith exploration through engaging discussions and activities, concluding with a peaceful and reflective Compline service. Our youth group is a welcoming space where young people can make friends, have fun, and deepen their faith.

Special Events and Trips
Throughout the year, St. Luke’s offers a variety of opportunities for young people to connect and engage with the wider community. Past events have included:

  • Monthly Arkfull Coffee House Open Mic Nights

  • Retreats at the Episcopal Conference Center

  • Christmas cookie baking and decorating

  • Outdoor adventures: hiking, camping, ice skating, and zoo trips

  • Biannual mission trip to the Dominican Republic

We invite all youth to join us for these enriching experiences!

Worship Ministries

The Prayground
The Prayground is a designated space at the front of St. Luke’s where young children can engage in worship using age-appropriate materials. We provide children’s Bibles, books, coloring pages, blocks, soft toys, and a wooden Eucharist play set. These items are stored in baskets under the benches. Children are encouraged to come forward, sit on the rug, and participate in a way that makes worship meaningful for them.

Acolytes (Grades 5 & Up)
Acolytes assist at the altar during worship services. New acolytes participate in training sessions and shadow experienced members before taking on full responsibilities. Acolyte refreshers are held each fall, followed by a pizza party to build community and prepare for the church year. Each year, senior acolytes are honored for their leadership.

Contact: Dr. Charlie Cronin

The Angel Choir (Grades K–2)
Young choristers in The Angel Choir explore music while developing basic vocal and musical skills. They sing once a month during Sunday services and on special occasions. This experience prepares them to join the St. Cecilia Choir as they grow.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 4:00 PM
Contact: Rodney Ayers, Minister of Music

The St. Cecilia Choir (Grades 3–12)
The St. Cecilia Choir follows a rich tradition of youth singing sacred music. As part of the Royal School of Church Music, choristers receive training in vocal technique, musicianship, and liturgical knowledge. They sing regularly with the Canterbury Choir and for special services such as Christmas Eve, Good Friday, and Choral Evensong. The choir also participates in regional festivals and civic events.

Rehearsals: Fridays at 4:00 PM
Contact: Rodney Ayers, Minister of Music

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Safe Church Statement

All clergy, employees, and volunteers at St. Luke’s Church must complete Safe Church Training through the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. This required certification ensures a safe and respectful environment for all, particularly children and youth. The training is mandated for:

  • Clergy, lay ministers, and church staff
  • Vestry members
  • Volunteers in children’s and youth programs
  • Church members with key access to the facility
  • Leaders of external groups using church spaces

Safe Church training is rooted in our commitment to seek and serve Christ in all people and to uphold the dignity of every individual. For questions regarding training, contact the Parish Office.