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Transition Update!
December 31, 2024
We are abuzz with transition activity! Our Congregational Conversations, facilitated by Canon Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew, took place December 8 with over 120 parishioners participating. Together, they responded to 12 questions that will comprise the substance of our Parish Profile. The Profile Team is busy compiling responses for each question and will submit the Profile for review and approval by the vestry, who will then pass it on to Canon Dena for distribution along with the Rector position announcement.
In the meantime, St. Luke’s Nominating Committee posted the invitation for interested parishioners to put their names forward to serve on the Rector Search Team. Twenty-five applications were received – a tremendous response demonstrating the commitment and enthusiasm our community has for finding that priest who the Holy Spirit will lead us to call. The Nominating Committee discerned eight persons representing our 8am and 10am attendees, new and long-standing members, leaders of various ministries, and parishioners with institutional knowledge and group skills. A youth representative will participate as a non-voting member of the team and the Senior Warden will serve as co-chair and liaison to the diocese.
On January 26, St. Luke’s will hold its 190th Annual Meeting. At the meeting, the Profile Team will share the Parish Profile, and the Rector Search Team will be presented. Our website’s transition page will be updated to include a link for rector applications and the full Parish Profile. Canon Dena will post the Rector position via the Episcopal News Service and other outlets. Again, these are busy times!
All are encouraged to attend this very important Annual Meeting that will launch our search for St. Luke’s next Rector.