Solemn Communion Program

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Corporate Communion Celebration
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Dear Parents,

If your child is in 4th grade, we joyfully invite them to participate in our First Solemn Communion program.

Children have a beautiful and often surprising way of understanding the symbolism and significance of the Eucharist. It is no wonder that Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me!”

Since the 1991 Prayer Book, our church has embraced the belief that Baptism is full initiation into the Body of Christ, shifting away from the idea that Confirmation and “understanding” are the benchmarks for participation in the Eucharist.

First Solemn Communion is a special time of instruction and formation—it is not a preparation class. Instead, it is designed to engage children with age-appropriate theology, liturgy, and tradition. We believe that children are not just the church’s future; they are the church today. This program honors their full membership in the Body of Christ and helps us, as a community, live into the promises we made at their Baptism to support them in their life in Christ.

Classes will take place at St. Luke’s in the Blackburn Room (first floor) from 9:00-10:00 AM on the following dates:

04/27 – Meet & Greet / Sharing a Meal
05/04 – Church Tour with Father Jarrett
05/11 – Storytelling
05/18 – These Holy Things
05/25 – Praying Together / Angel
05/31 – Rehearsal (11:30 AM-12:30 PM) & Ice Cream Social
06/01 – First Solemn Communion Celebration during the 10:00 AM Service

If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact [email protected]. I would love to hear from you!

In faith,
Amy Weigand
Director of Youth and Family Ministries