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Role of the Interim Rector
July 5, 2024
Dear Friends,
This Sunday, we look forward to welcoming our Interim Rector, The Reverend Jarrett Kerbel. Last week, you read his bio and got a glimpse of him in our Weekly and on our website. If you missed either, please visit our website and enjoy this first introduction. As we enter this interim stage of our transition, we thought it might be helpful to describe or clarify the role of the Interim Rector as shared with the Wardens and Vestry by The Canon Dena Cleaver-Bartholomew.
During an Interim period, the Wardens and vestry retain decision-making authority over those areas not reserved for ordained persons. The Interim Rector’s role carries multiple responsibilities as summarized below by Canon Dena…
The Interim shall have authority and responsibility for:
- The conduct of worship and spiritual jurisdiction of the parish subject to the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, the Constitution and Canons of the Church and the Diocese, and the authority and direction of the Bishop.
- Ensure that all members of the congregation receive instruction in faith, ministry, stewardship and the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the church.
- Ensure that people are prepared for baptism, confirmation, reception and reaffirmation.
- Ensure that appropriate records are maintained, and that the congregation is exercising appropriate fiduciary responsibility in its management of buildings, funds and other assets.
- Ensure that people in the congregation receive pastoral care.
- Provide oversight of staff and assisting clergy of the congregation.
- Assist the congregation in addressing the Developmental Tasks of Interim Ministry, with the exception of the Parish History Event (timeline), which is led by the Canon to the Ordinary or designee.
- Attend all Vestry meetings, where s/he shall have voice but not vote, and at which the Interim OR Senior Warden shall preside or may delegate presiding to the (Senior OR Junior) Warden; and attend other meetings as mutually agreed upon with the Senior Warden.
- Administration of the Discretionary Fund of the Parish will remain the responsibility of the Senior Warden in consultation with the Interim.
Developmental Tasks of Interim Ministry
The Wardens, Vestry and the Interim agree to a discussion and participation in the developmental tasks of interim ministry:
a. Coming to Terms with History–formal workshop led by the Canon to the Ordinary or designee
b. Discovering a New Identity
c. Shifts of Power/Leadership Changes
d. Rethinking Denominational Linkages
e. Commitment to New Leadership/Future
Transition promises to be a period of engagement and enlightenment. We are excited to have Fr. Jarrett leading us both spiritually and organizationally as we navigate the changes ahead. In so doing, please share your questions and your thoughts with him and the Vestry and be generous with your prayers and time as we continue to grow the beautiful faith community we know as St. Luke’s.
Faithfully yours,
Deborah Collins, Sr. Warden & Jacob Trombino, Jr. Warden