Rector Candidates

Explore St. Luke’s ~ Apply to be our next Rector

We invite you to St. Luke’s

St. Luke’s is a vibrant, open, spirit-filled community that supports ongoing exploration of and growth in faith formation. We thrive on building supportive parishioner relationships and serving our neighbors in need. In many ways, we see ourselves as the community parish, where people of all persuasions are welcome, served, and supported. Our logo byline is ‘All are welcome at the Lord’s table’ – words that aptly define who we are and strive to be.

We invite you to learn more about us and consider whether this is a community you can support and lead.

For position details and to fill out an application, please visit the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM) clergy applications portal here

Check out our social media pages to view Sunday worship, special services, community events, ecumenical activities, and East Greenwich.

Check out our local East Greenwich News to learn more about our neighborhood, its history, people, and special events year round.